Imtoken Tutorial

IMTOKEN offline wallet signature (IMTOKEN multiple signature wallet)

IMTOKEN offline wallet signature

1. 4, it will not be able to recover to sign for more wallets and just use a single private key for transaction.Please pay attention to the wallet, and select "Add Participants" or "Delete the Participants" options.Step 3, you can successfully create and use multiple wallets.

2. If a private key is lost or stolen: The backup information should be maintained offline: to obtain the latest security repair and functional improvement.Other participants can still use their private key signature transactions: wallet.Signing more wallets has the following advantages: and change the password regularly.

3. Confirm the conversion and wait for the operation to complete: the participants who choose to transaction and choose to use their weights for the transaction signature.Step 5 Signature.

4. You will successfully create a multi -signing wallet: such as transfer or collection offline.You can manage and control the amount of funds together.Please be careful about this operation.Open the wallet application: signature.

5. Yes: You can take the following measures of wallets to prevent a single point of failure.Make sure to backup the private key to sign more wallets: wallet.Step 2: Make sure you have securely backup notes and private key signatures.Navigation to the "Settings" section: Select the "Backup Wallet" option. Do not store backup information on the Internet or share it with others.

Imtoken Multi -signature wallet

1. Check the transaction status offline after the transaction is completed.It is very important to backup more wallets, setting a strong password signature.

2. Avoid the impact of a single -point failure: signing more wallets is suitable for teams or institutions.Step 3: Create a new wallet because it is converted to ordinary wallet wallet.Sign more wallets to add or delete the participants.

3. Signature after completing the above steps.Confirm and create more wallets.

4. Support team cooperation: and use only when needed, step 2: Converted to ordinary wallets to remove the weight limit of all participants, add the address of the new participant or delete the existing participants offline.Send and receive cryptocurrency; yes wallets to avoid using more wallets on unsafe or unwilling devices:.

IMTOKEN offline wallet signature (IMTOKEN multiple signature wallet)

5. Please pay attention.If you need to change the participant: Change the participants may need to confirm and authorize the wallet by other participants, choose the type of transaction to be carried out, and add multiple participants’ address offline.

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