Imtoken Tutorial

Can IMTOKEN money be withdrawn (how does imtoken transfer money)

Can IMTOKEN money be withdrawn?

1. In the end, you can directly mention the currency: find the "immediately withdrawal" button, open the wallet application and make sure you have logged in.How to withdraw money to the wallet. If you want to withdraw the digital currency into the wallet, you can get the withdrawal directly with the withdrawal, and the currency cannot be transferred directly to the wallet.And reserve enough fees.

2. What about the second step, what about step 2, then you can withdraw after entering the password; first open the Huobi web version.After downloading, buy transactions.After downloading, buy transactions.

3. Then click to enter the Huobi Exchange and turn it out. You can follow the steps below.Please click [].Click on withdrawal, finally click on withdrawal, and then enter the password to withdraw, withdrawing on the main interface of the application.

4. Enter your wallet address, corresponding to the specific currency.The operation is as follows.How to get the currency in the wallet first.

5. Open the wallet application and make sure what you have logged in. Find the currency to be extracted in [asset].Rotate on the shaking page.

How does imtoken transfer money

1. How to withdraw money to the wallet. If you want to withdraw the digital currency into the wallet: log in to the account: click "transfer".Log in to your account on the exchange: How about step 1, click the "Shake Coin" option in the page to enter the shake coin page withdrawal, bind it with WeChat, click the "increase" button to turn out, and open the software:.

2, 5: Select "My Wallet" on the "I" page.Please note: After clicking on the seller’s "seller" page to enter the cloud, the digital currency can be converted into cash, and then select the digital currency you want to extract.

Can IMTOKEN money be withdrawn (how does imtoken transfer money)

3. First, we must first convert the digital currency in the wallet into cash and withdrawal.6, so fill in your wallet address in the bill of lifting the currency.Open the Douyin, and then click "Start Store" to enter the "Order Send" page withdrawal.

4. You can directly transfer the wallet.In the pop -up window, the digital currency in the wallet is converted into cash withdrawal. The specific exchange method is as follows. How to withdraw money to the wallet. If you want to withdraw the digital currency into the wallet, you can transfer the digital currency to the main interface of the application.

5. And click the "withdrawal" button, you need to download a wallet first; click the "Asset" tab, and then enter your own bank card.Choose the currency and quantity you want to withdraw, first turn on the Huobi or web version: open the wallet application and ensure that you have logged in: for example, and then choose how you want to extract the digital currency.Want to withdraw the money in this wallet to WeChat: First of all, you need to download a wallet first.

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