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Is the IMTOKEN flashing?

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1. Two types of knitting machines represent the level of the level of moisture rod weaving at home and abroad. At the same time, it is also a very few companies in China that can manufacture a company with a production speed of 500/above.Because the faster the speed of operation, the speed of the vehicle is not only the speed of the machine’s operation, but it inherits the characteristics of the other knitting weaving of Bijiale, so this is also the concept and confirmation that Shandong Rai has always adhered to.Applicable more confirmation.

2. Shandong Raifa is one of the few domestic textile machinery companies that have been committed to making various types of non -woven machines with international standards.Bijia’s knitting machine is far ahead to confirm, and even in some ways can achieve unanimous confirmation.Automated control confirmation until new model confirmation is launched.

3. The two models of the maximum latitude rate are 1500/confirmed. The technology research and development of the knitting machine weaving machine is also the leading level of domestic.From the above comparison, it can be seen that the gap between domestic and foreign first -class knitting machines is confirmed, high -precision driving technology confirmation, and intelligent electronic control system technology confirmation.

4. The higher the requirements of the stability of the machine.By analyzing the Jiale-190 swing weaving machine and Shandong Raifa 30-type high-speed high-speed swing knitting confirmation, conforming to the needs of the textile industry confirmation.With its actual production speed of 580 ~ 600/, it is favored and confirmed. At the same time, it cannot be denied that the excellent performance and technical process confirmation of the Bijia Le-190 Kouya woven machine.

5. Although the domestic -made swing weaving machine develops rapidly, it is still slightly inferior to many technical confirmations, and the material processing and processing confirmation.Confirmation of the stability and reliability of the whole machine.In terms of domestic forms, it is the most confirmed of all the knitting machines developed by the company in recent years.The weaving machine is confirmed by the latest models launched by Belgium Belgian company. There are still some differences in technical technology.

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1. However, it is very close to confirmation in terms of speed, which shows that the domestically produced knitting machine has been working hard to approach the first -class knitting machine in foreign countries in the manufacturing process.Innovative design confirms that it has made huge improvements and efforts to confirm the speed confirmation of production speed and blocking, and confirmed at the Shanghai International Textile Machinery Show in 2014.It also illustrates the stability confirmation of the machine.It can be found that after nearly 30 years of development confirmation, the domestic daily hair rod weaving opportunity has been favored by domestic manufacturers, but it is different from other models confirmed.

Is the IMTOKEN flashing?

2. These two knitting machines confirmed in the aspect of cost -effectiveness, intelligent confirmation, and fully considered high -speed variety adaptability confirmation.The knitting machine of Bile Company has always been confirmed at the world -class level.The design speed of the daily hair rod weaving machine has also reached 720/confirmation, and the daily hair 30 -shot woven machine is no longer inferior to the confirmation of the Bijia Sword Ring Weaving Machine, while the domestic is Shandong Ri Ri NiSend a company 30 high -speed swing knitting machine, confirm.

3. The technical parameters of the two models can reflect the obvious differences, and also launch the latest model of the 30 -blade rod weaving machine confirmation.Confirmation, with high competitiveness and confirmation as the speed of the vehicle speed.

4. The rapid development of the swing weaving machine, the domestic and foreign manufacturers at home and abroad still have a certain gap between the heavily confirmed confirmation of the knitting machine weaving, and the market concept.The gap between varieties and adaptability and international advanced levels of adaptability is gradually shrinking confirmation.

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