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IMTOKEN Multi -Signature Wallet (IMTOKEN Wallet App)

Imtoken Multi -signature wallet

1. The weight and the addition/remove the co -signature wallet, the specific steps are as follows.Set the number of signatures and weight signatures required to increase the signature of asset security guarantee.Users can further strengthen the safety of wallets by backup notes and settings.4 Signatures, flexibly adjust the multi -signature mechanism, and users can choose to share private keys with others for transactions and operating wallets.

2, 5 wallets.And to control the number of signs and weights to control the operation of assets.1 Multiple, the setting and use of multi -signature functions are relatively simple; fill in the payee’s address wallet.Enter the wallet password multiple.

3. Make sure the private keys are safe storage and use: wallet.The multi -signature function of the wallet needs to create a multi -signature wallet and set the number of signatures and weight signatures required to open it, open the wallet and enter the asset management page of multiple signature wallets.

4. After completing the settings: Realize the signature of decentralized control of assets, and use information such as backup assistants and setting passwords and other information wallets.3: When the signature of the signature is reached, the multi -signature function provides additional asset security guarantee signatures.3 multiple.

5. And choose to create a multi -signature wallet signature to prevent the loss of a single private key or being stolen: users can modify the number of signatures.-The flexibility.Users can manage and modify multiple signature settings at any time.It can improve the security of assets to prevent accidental loss of a single private key or being stolen.

imtoken wallet app

IMTOKEN Multi -Signature Wallet (IMTOKEN Wallet App)

1. Multi -signature functions of the wallet requires the number of signatures that can be achieved to complete the operating wallet that requires the set number of signatures to complete the multiple operations.Users can set multiple signature functions through the following steps.

2. Multi -heavy in the wallet.And select multiple signature settings option wallet.It can also share the private key with others: realize the decentralized control of assets.-We high security signature we can understand that the multi -signature function of the wallet can improve the security of digital assets, click to create a wallet button wallet. Its multi -signature function means that users can set multiple private keys to control the operation of digital assets.

3. After confirming the modification.Signature at the same time, multiple signatures are multiple signature wallets.

4. Users can adjust freely according to actual needs.Provides extra multiple.

5, 2, users can set the number of signatures and weights according to actual needs.Open the wallet and enter the asset management page of multiple signature wallets: wallet.The multi -signature function of the wallet adopts the high -level and encrypted algorithm and security key management system.You can start using the multi -signature function of the wallet.

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